• +88 02 44 80 20 81
  • gc@grameen.org

All Projects

With the financial support of SPIDER (The Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions), KTH, Sweden and Grameen Communications jointly established Grameen ICT Center, Nohata in 2006. The primary objectives of this project are to render e-Health facilities for empoweri...

Global Communication Center (GCC) was established in 2007 as a project of GC. It aims to produce and promote ICT technologies for the unreached people. The major target of research activity is to identify technical requirements and develop social services for rural comm...

Development of Global Information Platform of Social Business  is one of the ongoing project of Grameen Communications, which is named as Social Business Pedia. Social Business Pedia is a web encyclopedia for social business resources. It is a multi-lingual we...

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