Software Development

Back in 1997, Grameen Communications undertook a daunting project of developing world’s 1st micro banking software. At that time, there were very scarce resources to make it happen. With strong sense of commitment & determination, GC overcame the challenge and became successful. The story of software development started with making the micro banking software ‘gBanker’ that left GC with all resources & skills necessary to develop any kind of software system. Later on, the banking software was updated with latest technonogy. Most recently, GC developed cloud version of gBanker.
Besides, GC developed Social Business Monitoring System, Asset Tracking & Maintenance System, Point of Sales (POS) System, Corporate Accounting System, Solar, Biogas & ICS Management System, Human Resources Management System, Attendance Management System, Document Management System, Health Information Management System etc.
GC’s software products are being used by more than 70 organizations throughout the world. Its clients include Grameen Bank, Plan Bangladesh, Grameen America, USA, Grameen Aval, Colombia, Micro Credit Project (TGMP), Turkey, Ahon Sa Hirup (ASHI), Philipines, Gonesha Foundation, Indonesia, Moris Rasik, East Timur, CASHPOR, India.