
Grameen Communications believes in transferring knowledge to others to help them grow. Since inception, GC has been transferring its ICT expertise to Bangladeshi youths, making them skilled and helping them to get rid of unemployment. Till now, GC has provided IT training to 7000 Bangladeshi youths who are making a difference in their respective workplaces and helping others to learn this valuable skill.
GC was the pioneer of the telecenter movement that immensely exposed Bangladesh with ICT in the last decade. GC’s telecenter had been a standard model and was rapidly replicated throughout the country. However, in a typical telecener, ICT training was a most important part. Millions of youth were provided ICT training and they found means of their livelihood through the acquired skills. However, GC still provides ICT training to empower underprivileged and unemployed youths. Most recently, GC has started a training course on ‘programming’ in collaboration with Edoo Inc.,Japan with a view to teaching programming in a very affordable costs to Bangladeshi youths.