Social Information Infrastructure Model
In partnership with Kyushu University, Japan, Grameen Communications has developed a model for Social Information Infrastructure. The model is being implemented in the following projects:
- Gramweb - a web portal that enables villegers to inform the world about themselves and the villages.
- Portable Health Clinic -a health program that provides affordable, usable and sustainable preventive system for unreached people.
- Virtual Bloodbank - a web-based platform to provide a point of information storage and sharing for the blood donors and blood receivers in Bangladesh.
- Social Services on Wheels (SSW) - a multi-service community car to sustainably serve the unreached people with basic social services.
- Income Generation Project for Farmers using ICT (IGPF) - technologies to provide advanced farming knowledge, crop maintenance and marketing information.
- International Research Opportunity Program (IROP) - A program that creates opportunities for the students, professionals and researchers who are interested in developing social business.