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All Research & Developments

This UPS provides uninterrupted power support for 18 to 24 hours. It has been designed and developed with own technology of Grameen Communications. It is currently being used by the clients that have operations in rural areas where frequent power outages lower...

In partnership with Kyushu University, Japan, Grameen Communications has developed a model for Social Information Infrastructure. The model is being implemented in the following projects:Gramweb - a web portal that enables villegers to inform the world about t...

Portable Health Clinic (PHC) is an ICT based telemedicine healthcare service delivery system aims to build an affordable, usable and sustainable preventive healthcare system for unreached people. In 2007, Dr. Ashir Ahmed (Associate professor, Department of Advanced Info...

e-Passbook is an electronic gadget for the poor. It can be used for multiple purposes e.g. (1) as a digitized passbook for the micro-finance borrowers for their financial records (2) maintain family health records (3) e-money transfer and online transaction etc. ep...

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