• +88 02 44 80 20 81
  • gc@grameen.org

Technological Partners

Technological Partners

Grameen Telecom
Village Phone is the largest program of Grameen Telecom that provides modern telecommunication services to underprivileged people in Bangladesh. Village phones have very cheap billing rates and are also given on easy loans from Grameen Bank. Grameen Telecom launched the Village Kiosk project with Grameen Communications to help people gain online access to government officers and services from various departments and interact with the rest of the world.

NEC & MARUBENI Corporation
NEC and Marubeni Corporation are the renowned Japanese companies involved in technological partnership with Grameen Communications to share technology as part of their Healthcare project. NEC technical team worked side by side with GC team to develop story boards, content, multimedia components like animations, character definitions, sound and voice creation etc. The Government of Japan, through its Embassy in Dhaka has provided a grant assistance to develop and implement the project.

Pan Asia Networking
PAN is an initiative of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), a public corporation created by the Parliament of Canada to help researchers and communities in the developing world find solutions to their social, economic, and environmental problems. A few years ago, IDRC was involved with Grameen Communications for introducing full internet services to educational institutions and social organizations in Bangladesh on a sustainable basis but now they have no ongoing projects running with Grameen Communications.