Grameen Communications celebrates WHO World Health Day 2023
World Health Day is celebrated on the 7th of April every year, with a message aimed at promoting health and safety for all. The theme decided by World Health Organization this year is inclusivity, or more broadly, "Health For All," with the aim of ensuring that healthcare is accessible to everyone as a basic right. This celebration serves as a reminder of the positive impact that can be achieved when countries unite for a common cause.
One organization that has been steadfast in its commitment to this year's theme is Grameen Communications (GC). GC has been at the forefront of the health sector, providing products that target the rural poor. One such product is the Portable Health Clinic (PHC), developed jointly under a project of GC: Global Communications Center (GCC) and Kyushu University. This clinic provides diagnoses for 14 non-communicable diseases and empowers health entrepreneurs from different corners of the country. With features such as personal health records, medical history, health data visualization, tele-pathology, tele-eyecare, mother and child healthcare, and more, PHC has been tested in nine countries including Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Liberia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Thailand. PHC has five successful service models, one for rural and one for urban societies, one for factories, one for corporate offices, and one for pharmacies.
In addition to the PHC, GC is proud to be partners with Grameen Kalyan (GK). GC developed their Health ERP software with a wide range of features. These features include patient management (OPD), prescription and treatment history management, pathology management, health assistant visit management, pharmacy management, HR and payroll, fixed asset management, central accounting, and financial management. Essentially, the software contains all the necessary Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) facilities that a hospital or a clinic may need.
Furthermore, GC is a partner in the noble cause of Grameen Digital Health, and has designed a complete telemedicine solution with features such as instant audio, video, and text chat, membership subscription, doctor booking and service delivery, medicine ordering, test ordering, and CRM for patients.
Overall, GC's commitment to providing healthcare solutions to the rural poor has been in the scene science inception, and their innovative products and partnerships with other organizations are helping to achieve the goal of "Health For All." On this World Health Day, let us all take a moment to reflect on the importance of accessible healthcare for everyone, and work towards making it a reality.
#WorldHealthDay #HealthForAll #GrameenCommunications #PortableHealthClinic #HealthERP #TelemedicineSolution